f the carriage is a charter arrangement, these Conditions of Carriage apply according to the indicated terms, referenced or by any other way, in the charter arrangement or in the ticket.
a) Air Europa will take all necessary measures to avoid delay in carrying passengers and Baggage. In the exercise of these measures and in order to prevent a flight cancellation, in exceptional circumstances, Air Europa may arrange a flight to be operated on its behalf by a Carrier, under article I here above, or provide other means of transportation.
b) Except as otherwise provided in the Applicable Law, if Air Europa cancels a flight, fail to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule, fail to stop at passengers Stopover or destination, or causes passengers to miss a connecting flight on which passengers hold a confirmed reservation, under a single Contract of Carriage, Air Europa shall, at passengers option, either:
Carry passengers, at the earliest opportunity, on another of Air Europa's scheduled services on which space is available, without an additional charge and, when necessary, extend the validity of the Ticket; or
Within a reasonable period of time, re-route passengers to the destination indicated on their Ticket by Air Europa's own air carriage or those of a Carrier, as defined under Article I here above, or by other mutually agreed means and class of transportation, without additional charges. If the fare and charges for the revised routing are lower than the refund value of the Ticket or applicable portion thereof, we shall refund the difference, or
Make a refund, in accordance with the provisions of Article 10/2 hereunder
Source: / March 2016