Croatia Airlines

4.00/5 from 2 reviews
Zagreb International Airport (ZAG)

Croatia Airlines is a stated owned company, national carrier of Croatia. It serves 27 destinations with a fleet of 13 aircraft out of its hub at Zagreb Airport. Croatia Airlines is member of Star Alliance. 


Slobodan   6 years ago
Both flights were done with propeller planes, which are very noisy, but apart from this everything went excellent. Flight from Skopje arrived 10 min early and there was bus service to the terminal, once there the transfer process was quick and the time of 1h was absolutely enough. Zagreb airport is very large and not so busy.
Flight date
January 2019
Airport from
Skopje International Airport
Airport to
Zurich International Airport
Connecting airport/s
Zagreb International Airport
Overall rate
On time arrival of all flights
Clarity of transfer information
Time between connections
Transit process at connecting airports
Baggage arrived
Missed connecting flight
Recommend this airline for connecting flights
Franjo   8 years ago
Flight date
April 2016
Connecting airport/s
Zagreb International Airport
Overall rate
On time arrival of all flights
Baggage handling
Clarity of transfer information
Time between connections
Transit process at connecting airports
Baggage arrived
Missed connecting flight
Recommend this airline for connecting flights