In case of circumstances beyond its control (including but not limited to meteorological conditions, force major cases, government orders or others) Carrier may without notice cancel or delay a flight or previously confirmed space. If due to such circumstances Carrier cancels or delays a flight, is unable to provide previously confirmed space, fails to stop at a passenger's stopover or destination place, or causes the passenger to miss a connecting flight on which the passenger holds a reservation, Carrier shall, at the passenger's option, either:
i) carry the passenger, at the earliest opportunity, on another of its scheduled services on which space is available, without additional charge, and when necessary, extend the validity of his ticket, or
ii) reroute the passenger to the destination indicated on the ticket or applicable portion thereof by its own scheduled services or the scheduled services of another carrier, or by means of surface transportation without additional charges. If the fare and charges for the revised routing are lower than the refund value of the ticket or applicable portion thereof, Carrier shall refund the difference, or
iii) make a refund, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.